For many, counting their calories helped them improve their health and lower their risk and by some accounts double the amount of weight they lose and keep off. What will work best for you? Read below & listen to your gut & mind & then do it.

Food Tracking Quick Tips

  • Set a reminder to track
  • Write it down & input it later
  • Choose a consistent time (i.e.  before you eat, while you cook or eat, or after you eat)
  • Put the app on your main screen of your phone / device
  • Make it a priority.  Example:  Don’t jump on to social media until you have tracked
  • Have an accountability partner or set a time with others in your life to track together.

Our Favorite Free Tracking Apps

These apps are separate from Doable Wellness. You can claim points in the Learn & Earn section regardless of which app your use or even if you choose to track your food in your own unique way. We have used these apps and, having done the homework for you, can recommend them now to you.
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Doable Wellness – 9 West Forest St. Suite 308

Brigham City, UT 84302