Full Doable Wellness

$4 Per Employee Per Month (PEPM) (& no $/mo. min)
$4 per App User instead of PEPM ($1,000/mo. min)

+ Cost of Gift Cards/Grand Prizes ($2 per employee recommended)

Paid by Employer (not employee)

Optional-Onsite Body Scan Days-$200 (2 Hours)

Employees Enjoy Unlimited Body Scans, The Dinnerhub App, At Home Work Outs, Food Diary, Learn & Earn for Tracking Healthy Behaviors to earn Gift Cards, Gift Card Drawing Entries or HSA $ and Mind Matters, Medical Benefits to quickly connect to all of companies benefits.

Full Wellness Suite of tools to incentivize and increase healthy behaviors and decrease chronic disease.

Mini Doable Wellness

$5/mo paid by Employee*
(No $/mo. min)
Low $250 Onboarding Cost
Optional-$200 Onsite Body Scan Day (2 Hours)

The Dinnerhub + Exercise Hub + Food Diary + Weekly Healthy Tips Email.

4 Body Scans/Year Included.

Great starting point for wellness

*Mini Doable Wellness Price is $10/mo without Company Promo Code

If you don’t have a wellness program, you are paying the costs in higher health insurance. Shift your spending to improving the lives of your employees & your bottom line.
Motivate Healthy Behaviors In Your Employees

Doable Wellness logo transparent1-20-22

Doable Wellness – 9 West Forest St. Suite 308

Brigham City, UT 84302